Monday, May 4, 2009

Obama: Champion of Communism?

Recently, Prez BO announced that Wall Street will never again play as large a roll in the U.S. economy as it did previously. Now it gets scarier when he continues with:
"That means that more talent, more resources will be going to other sectors of the economy," he said. "I actually think that's healthy. We don't want every single college grad with mathematical aptitude to become a derivatives trader. We want some of them to go into engineering, and we want some of them to be going into computer design."
Since when is it the roll of the government to decide what profession people who are good at math go into? I am going to go ahead and call it like I see it, Obama is moving this country towards something we have been fighting to avoid for the better part of 100 years now COMMUNISM! It has not, does not, and can not work. Proof? W. vs. E. Berlin, there is your proof. Millions of people from the communist side fled to the capitalist in the West. So many fled the Communist constructed a wall to prevent people from fleeing their "fair" society. 

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